About Me

Hello! Thanks for stopping by =) I'd love to know more about you! Leave some comments so we can get to know each other!  Here's a bit about me:

I'm just a girl who felt lost and alone in this giant world, until one day my Savior reached down and pulled me out of the black hole I dug myself into, then my whole new life began! My dream of becoming a mom came true! Now I'm a mom with a passion for kids, and the grown-ups they become, too!  Not sure where this will lead us later in life, but for now it has lead us to five precious babies:  

  • HC, our firstborn son and the ever Happy Child- our creative thinker! He loves video games, music and legos, & can make friends with anyone! 
  • JP - is our second son and he is Just Passionate in all he does, as well as sensitive, and fearless! He thinks deeply about everything and has a tight sense of right and wrong.
  • PB: our Princess Ballerinaour only girl and every bit the girly girl despite three brothers! She loves ballet and keeping up with the boys!
  • Angel Baby - Our baby in heaven; we are eagerly awaiting the day we are all reunited!
  • SB: our third son born March 1, 2011, is our Smily Boy! He smiles easily and all the time!!
I also adore my hubby, family, friends and especially my Savior! Oh, and I looove photography and music!  

I started this blog to keep family and friends up-to-date on our crazy fun family adventures. Then it became a great place for me to share what's on my heart when I didn't know how else to vent it,  especially through my trials and errors of trying to figure out how to juggle being a working mom of (now!) four kids, and a girl with goals and dreams of my own. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom! And I know that is THE most important thing I will ever do!  I just also wish to do something "big" with my life. (Whatever "big" means, I don't know!)  I DO know that part of that desire is to help hurting souls, young and old alike. It also involves finding an outlet for my passions: faith, family, kids, music and photography. No pressure, right?! In the mean time, I currently juggle being rescued daughter of the Alpha Omega, a wife, mommy, & newbee homeschooler, as well as an almost full-time employee, an entrepreneur starting my own photography business, wannabe scrapbooker, and a long lost cellist. Therefore, none of these are ever done to my perfectionist expectations. Ugh, sometimes I feel like the world's biggest failure. (Yes, I tend to be quite hard on myself.)

My hope is that this will become an ongoing discussion as we all help each other learn how fit in our piece of life's puzzle while still finding peace during the craziness of it all :) 

Thanks for reading!


What are some of the dreams you have? 

Is there something holding you back from it?

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